I am determined to finish this table! So in this video, which is the seventh video of this series, I get a little bit closer to done. The legs are glued in with Gorilla Glue, which surely will hold these legs tight for years to come. But as that glue expands when it dries, it will find every little place to expand into until it jumps out into the open, leaving you to scrape and sand it away. Bummer!

But, I got there, and everything is fine. You will also see how I approached building the birdcage mechanism, and by God, it is all drilled, sanded, aligned, and adorned, ready for the top to be installed. It lines up beautifully, and it’s going to work great. I also make a small “pad” for each foot… kind of like a little slipper for each. It is simple, boring woodworking, but it gives the table a nice appearance in the end.

And speaking of boring, you’re in for a treat! I drill holes in two boards! “Brace” yourself for a “bit” of entertainment, fit for the “hole” family!

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